Ajvarsko Kolce (Single)
Included in “7”, BGKO seventh studio album
This song proposes a return to our roots, the countryside, the parties from and for the peasantry.
“Ajvar” is a delicious Balkan recipe. To many, it’s scent means childhood, traversing time and space in a reunion with their ancestors and tribe.
“Kolce” is an expression derived from the dance “kolo”. Kolo is at the heart of Serbian culture, danced by its people in celebrations, above all, weddings.
To most locals, both “kolo” and “ajvar” quickly suggest cherished memories of infancy: the country house, the warmth of summer evenings, the crops, the awaited recollection of the fruits of the earth.
Recorded in Medusa Estudio in Barcelona and mastered by Yves Roussel.